Yup this first post is essentially going to be about humour. Well it may get a bit more general than any specific situation per se i.e. dating. They say it takes 17 facial muscles to smile while 43 muscles to frown. It may very well be true, but the crucial point I think is where and with whom to be humourous, in other words finding the situation. Obviously a conversation requires at least two parties to "converse". In your case, one of whom will be yourself and the other may be your date, co-worker, so on. Let's stick to the subject of this blog which is dating, especially the first date. You may find the next few couple of lines useful if you're a heterosexual male though at first it may seem irrelevant, but bear with me. If you're a female, you may find some interesting pseudo-facts about the male psyche when it comes to humour so you can make better judgement about his character.
You see, generally what women find amusing might not necessarily be as funny to men, that's why sometimes an idea so lame to a man may seem funny as hell to a woman, and just for the record I'm not sexist, I'm merely an observer simply detecting a pattern. It's simple evolution 101. Human males have developed numerous techniques to impress females in order to continue their genetic line, it happens all over animal kingdom in nature and if you feel embarrassed about it well, it's time to smell the coffee and come to terms with it (oh and btw, Santa is not real either). Human males don't have the luxury of peacocks' tail unfortunately to impress/attract/seduce the opposite sex, so naturally they have to resort to other ways in impressing women, and one of those tricks is humour. Men have taken humour to the next level by making sophisticated jokes and always coming up with new ideas to make it more fun just as an ice cream is more fun than an apple despite both of them being sweet. Over the past few thousand years in the course of evolutionary development, men have adopted and perfected this technique just to make women laugh, simply put make a clown of themselves in the eyes of women (despite the fact that no guy would ever admit this lol). It makes perfect sense, as Christopher Hitchens points out in the video below (I do agree with his premises, not with his conclusion though, women can be funny).
This whole process so far has led men to sometimes lose the grip and go over the limits with their sense of humour. Normally this would be fine with other men as they too are up to that level. The problem however is when the other party in the conversation is a lady. Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time no matter how funny it may sound to you as a man can turn most women off (possibly permanently) and turn into a disaster. It's just like that episode of "How I Met Your Mother" where Barney, Marshall and Ted are laughing at a "guy joke" (the difference between peanut butter and jam) and as soon as Barney tells the joke to Lilly, she stops talking to Barney for 3 weeks. The point here is that guyz really need to be aware of the situation they're in and think before expressing their humour with women. Granted, sometimes some girls are totally fine and open to any kind of joke, but chances are on your first date she wouldn't be as open.
Something to think about ;)
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